Homeopathic Repertory

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Homeopathic Treatment For Dogs An Acute Materia Medica. In homeopathy, true acute cases are basically those that are from trauma, poisonings and epidemic type contagions. Emergency prescribing can also include those crises of chronic disease, such as seizures or hot spots that present dramatically and suddenly but are not true acute disease. For truly acute diseases, a cookbook approach using a homeopathic first aid book or the repertory may be appropriate. Usually the picture of the disease symptom will be very clear and this will make finding the right remedy a fairly easy process. Acute Homeopathic Dosing. In a crisis, the dry pellets of the remedy may be dropped directly into the patients mouth. MBZuAwabt9Q/UBoLz0ZdyhI/AAAAAAAAAYs/e1-tOpDm-5A/s1600/mi1.png' alt='Homeopathic Repertory' title='Homeopathic Repertory' />If the situation does not allow for that or if you are not comfortable with a dry dosing method, simply drop one to three pellets into a volume of water the exact amount isnt that important. Stir or shake well. The pellets may or may not dissolve, depending on the hardness of the pellet, but this doesnt matter as long as the solution is stirred or shaken well. Dose the patient by placing some one to two drops, teaspoons or fractions of teaspoons of the solution on the patients nose near the nostrils or directly in the patients mouth. The exact volume is not that important. The goal is to use adequate volume to ensure good contact with the patients mucous membranes. Choosing a Potency. Half Life Source Content Gmod S. The choice of potency is fairly forgiving in acute disease and crisis, so just use the potency you have available, normally 6. C, 3. 0C or 2. 00. C. Redosing should be timed to match the dynamics and speed of the crisis until a response is seen in the patient. When to Repeat. When giving a remedy for acute disease you need to assess the effects of the remedy action much more rapidly than in a chronic disease as the response and changes will be more dramatic. In general, select your remedy, watch your patient for any changes and redose when the remedy action wanes or ceases. Redosing may be in five minutes, 1. The remedy picture may also change to that of another remedy. Be prepared to give a different remedy if the picture changes but give only one remedy at a time. An Acute Materia Medica For Dogs. The following is a brief materia medica skewed to the acute symptoms and crisis situations seen in companion animals. Homeopathic Repertory' title='Homeopathic Repertory' />Homeopathic and herbal remedies for surviving bioterrorism attacks A disaster plan for emergency preparedness. The acclaimed homeopathy software RadarOpus contains one of the largest homeopathic reference libraries in the world. Together with the Source Repertory. It is far from exhaustive but is a good starting point for common maladies and common remedies. Homeopathic remedies are inexpensive and easy to transport. You can start building your dogs emergency remedy kit with just a few remedies. Start out with remedies youll find yourself using often such as Arnica montana or Nux vomica. Once you feel more comfortable using homeopathic remedies, youll want to expand your emergency kit to include even more. Homeopathic Repertory' title='Homeopathic Repertory' />Homeopathic RepertoryJames Tyler Kent. Kent is said to have contributed as much to the great homeopathic works as Dr. Samuel Hahnemann, the founder of homeopathy. Landing/FFL-2.jpg' alt='Homeopathic Repertory' title='Homeopathic Repertory' />Refer back to this list often to see which remedies you shouldnt be without. Dont wait until an accident happens, invest in a remedy or two every month and youll soon be prepared for most accidents and sudden illnesses. Aconitum napellus MonkshoodFor symptoms after great fears, stresses, chills, or sudden and dramatic changes in weather. Dramatic display of symptoms after these situations. Great anxiety and fear in the patient, that deer in the head lights look. Very acute symptoms often before physical or pathological changes occur. Sudden onset fever with a thirsty patient, abortions, founder, colic, convulsions, and pneumonia. Agaricus Amanita muscariaFor symptoms associated with frostbite, chilblains, and poisonings. Gangrene from freezing of tissues. Tails, feet, ears, etc. Allium cepa Red OnionCatarrh, coryza, and hay fever where discharge from eyes is watery and from the nose is acrid, leaving raw streaks where it drips. Antimonium tartarticum Tartar emeticFor respiratory conditions where there is a heavy rattling in the chest. Pneumonias, bronchitis, asthma and whooping cough with thick white mucous, difficulty breathing, and deep cough. Apis Honey bee poisonFor tissues that are edematous, red, hot and extremely painful. Hives. Argentum nitricum Silver nitrateUseful for animals afraid to come into enclosed spaces or through narrow openings. Emotional diarrhea. Essential Linguistics Man Pdf there. Arnica montana Leopards BaneFor the affects of trauma of any sort. Bruising, bleeding, traumatic swellings, post parturient trauma especially where the patient is standoffish and doesnt want help. Pains after delivery. Arsenicum album White arsenicOne of the premier remedies for the gastrointestinal tract. Characterized by violent nausea and diarrhea, foulputrid diarrhea, diarrhea containing undigested material, pain in the abdomen. Conditions accompanied with restlessness, extreme chilliness, and a thirst for sips of cold water that are vomited. Suddenness of symptoms, prostration, weakness, and collapse. Severe burns. Baptisia tinctoria Wild indigoRemedy for influenzas that cause a profound prostration, weakness of the neck so head cannot be held in position, and with the inability to swallow food, only water. Belladonna Deadly nightshadeSymptom complexes characterized by sudden and high fevers, redness, pain, thirstlessness, dilated pupils and panting. Great remedy for small children with bright red, painful ears who wake up screaming in pain. Also a good remedy for migraine headaches when there is extreme sensitivity to light and noise. Heatstroke. Any condition with red, burning, dry mucous membranes or tissues. Red eruptions on the skin with high fevers. Bryonia alba Wild hopsAny condition worse from any movement. Pleurisy and pneumonia when even the movement of breathing is painful. Calcarea phosphoricum. For those runts and stunted infants that wont grow. Calendula officinalis English marigoldWell indicated for jagged, ragged, extremely painful cuts and abrasions. Cantharis Blister beetle, Spanish flyPrimarily a remedy for blistered burns but also indicated in cystitis where there is a burning and urging to urinate. Also indicated in conditions where there is a concomitant of burning and urging in the bladder. Carbo vegetabilis Vegetable carbonFor bloating and conditions of trapped gas in the intestinal tract. Colics, volvulus and gastric torsions where there is bloating. Collapse, near death, with pale andor blue mucous membranes. Caulophyllum Blue cohoshA remedy whose sphere of action is seated in the female reproductive systemspasmodic labor pains without progress, weak labor pains, extremely painful contractions, false labor pains, abortions with weak contractions and very slight hemorrhage, profuse hemorrhage after delivery, retained placenta from uterine atonyweakness, andor extended after pains particularly after extended, exhausting labor. Chamomilla ChamomileMarked symptoms in young associated with teething. Excoriating, green mucous diarrhea associated with teething. China officinalis Peruvian barkHistorically used for malarial or remittent fevers. On the farm it is a useful remedy when the patient is collapsed from the loss of bodily fluidsdiarrhea, vomiting, bleeding, lactation, etc. Also for bloating colics not relieved by the passing of gas. Cocculus Indian cocklesSevere nausea with vertigo. Motion sickness. Carsickness with nausea and vomiting. Colocynthis Bitter appleCramping colics that bend the patient double. Relief is felt if bent double or if hard pressure is applied. Crotalus horridus Rattle snake venomCauses a break down of the blood, either locally or systemically. Bleeding, sepsis, decomposition of the tissues, blackish blood from orifices.